How to Get SimCity 4 to Work on Windows 10

If you are a fan of old games like Age of Mythology, Age of Empires or SimCity 4, you may have encountered the frustrating issue of these games not working on Windows 10. Even after installing them, you may double-click and find that nothing happens. However, there is a quick fix that you can apply to make these games work on Windows 10.

The problem is that these are old games, and they were not designed to work on the latest Windows operating system. But, what you can do is download a crack file for the game that you want to play. This may sound illegal, but bear with me – it’s not. You can find these crack files on some dodgy websites, but make sure you are downloading them from a reliable source.

Once you have downloaded the crack file, go to the folder where your game is installed. In the case of SimCity 4, for example, you would go to the SimCity 4 folder. Look for the main file that will run the game, which is not the original file. This is where you will be pasting the crack file that you have downloaded.

The file that you have pasted will overwrite the original file, and the game will use the crack file instead. This is what makes the game work on Windows 10. It’s important to note that the crack file should be used only as a temporary solution until you can find a more permanent fix.

It’s not great that we have to use these kinds of files to make our games work, but sometimes it’s the only way. You may have bought the game with serial codes and everything, but it just won’t work on Windows 10. By using the crack file, you are essentially making your game an unoriginal or pirate game. But, it works, and that’s what counts in this case.

It’s worth noting that there may be some problems with graphics and resolution, especially if you are trying to play these games on a Full HD screen. But, you can play around with the settings until you find what works best for you. If you need any help with resolution or any other issues, feel free to leave a comment below the video, and the creator of the video will help you out.

In conclusion, if you are a fan of old games that don’t work on Windows 10, don’t give up just yet. There is a quick fix that you can apply to make the game work, even if it involves downloading a crack file. Just make sure you are downloading from a reliable source and use the crack file temporarily until you can find a more permanent solution.