How to get rid of YouTube Kids: complying with the new YouTube rules

If you’re a YouTube creator, you probably know by now that YouTube has rolled out a new rule that requires every video or channel to comply with a new law that determines whether a video is made for kids or not. This means that every time you make a video, you have to set it at the channel level or per video. In this article, we’ll walk you through the necessary steps to change your video setting channel-wide and per video to comply with the new YouTube rules.

First, go to your menu on the right side and select YouTube studios. Under YouTube studio, go to the channel tab, and then under the channel tab, go to advanced settings. This is where you need to answer the question that determines if your videos or channel are made for kids, not made for kids, or if you want to review individual videos. If you’ve ever made a video for YouTube, you need to change this. YouTube does pick one by default for you if you don’t answer, but it’s recommended that you go ahead and answer one of these.

If you make videos for kids under 13, you need to choose yes. But if you don’t, choose no. If you choose yes, the comments section, end credits, community tab, and monetization will be affected, and a lot will change. So, make sure that if you do choose to make videos for kids, it’s content that’s made for kids. If you choose no, it defines kids as anyone under the age of 13.

After you’ve made your selection, press save. If you need to change this setting on an individual video, go to the videos tab and select any individual video. Under the video detail, you’ll have this new audience section. Here, you can change whether the video is made for kids or not. If you made 500 videos that were not made for kids and you decide to make one that is made for kids, you’ll need to change this.

It’s important to comply with the new YouTube rules; otherwise, there are penalties that will go along with it. When you upload a new video, you’ll also get this on the upload section, so make sure you choose this based on your selection. We recommend that you do this at the channel level and then jump into individual videos if you need to change any of that setting.

In conclusion, complying with the new YouTube rules is essential for every YouTube creator. We hope you found this useful in changing your video setting channel-wide and per video. Remember, if you make videos for kids, choose yes, and if you don’t, choose no.