How to Get Rid of the View Shop Button on Instagram

If you have an Instagram account with a shop, other users will be able to view your shop as an option on your profile. However, if you want to remove this option, you can do so by deleting your shop from your Instagram account. In this article, we will show you how to remove the view shop button on Instagram.

The first thing you can do is switch your account from professional to personal. By doing so, your shop will get unlinked by default, and people will not be able to see the view shop option. If you’ve linked your shop, you’ll find the option called “Shops” in the professional dashboard section. Simply tap on the icons and select “Remove” to remove your shop.

Once you unlink your shop from Instagram and delete all the products inside it, you can go to the three lines and then to “Settings.” Here, you’ll see the “Business” option. Remove your business account and then find the option called “Remove a Shop” instead of “Setup.”

That’s all it takes to remove the view shop option on Instagram. We hope this article was helpful. If you have any more questions, feel free to leave them down in the comments.