How to Get Parents to Say Yes to Anything

As a young person, you may feel like your parents control everything in your life. From how much money you spend to where you go and what you can do, it can sometimes feel like you have no control. However, there are ways to convince your parents to say yes to the things you want. Here are some tips to help you get your parents to say yes to anything.

Firstly, be aware of how lenient or willing your parents are to say yes to things. If your parent is strict or doesn’t usually say yes to things, they might not be the best bet for getting what you want. You can also plan your question in advance and ask your parents up to a week before the event. This way, they have a chance to think about it and you have a better chance of convincing them otherwise.

It’s also important to stay on your parents’ good side. If you’ve just done something to upset them, they’re probably not going to want to reward you. So, show them the good things you’re doing like your good grades and how much effort you’re putting into it.

When asking your parents for something, be confident. The more confidence you have when you’re asking, the safer they’re going to feel when they’re letting you go to a sleepover or go to the mall with your friends.

Most parents won’t want to get you something if it completely just benefits you and has nothing to do with them. So, give them reasons why it would be beneficial for them to help you out. For example, if you want to spend the night at your friend’s house, you can say that your parents will get more time alone than they can focus on themselves without having you nag them during the night.

You can also use the tactic of the ortho comparison. This is where you compare yourself to another sibling that pressures your parent into doing what you want and getting what the other sibling has had before. You can make a pretty good argument if you want to have the same bedtime or later bedtime as your sibling.

Lastly, be persistent. If your parents tell you once that they’re not going to let you have something, ask again constantly. Hopefully, after a certain period of time, they’ll just give in. However, if your parents advise against getting or going somewhere, you should listen to them for safety reasons.

Remember, getting your parents to say yes isn’t easy, but with these tips, you can improve your chances of success.