How to Get More Storage on Dropbox: Easy Hacks and Tips

Are you a Dropbox user who’s running out of storage space? Don’t worry, you don’t have to pay for additional storage just yet. In this blog post, we’ll show you some easy hacks and tips to get more storage on your Dropbox account for free.

First of all, you can delete files that you no longer need in your Dropbox account. This is the most straightforward way to free up space. Simply select the files that you want to delete, then click “delete” from the menu. This will instantly free up space on your account.

However, there are other ways to get even more free storage space on Dropbox. For instance, you can complete the “Get Started Tour” on Dropbox to receive 250MB of free space. You can also connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts to get an additional 125MB of space for each account. Following Dropbox on Twitter and telling them what you’re doing also nets you 125MB.

But the biggest hack of all is to refer your friends to Dropbox. For every friend you refer, you can get up to 32GB of free storage space. Yes, you read that right – 32GB! This is an insane amount of space, and it’s all for free.

So, what are you waiting for? Start referring your friends to Dropbox and complete the easy tasks we mentioned above to get more storage space on your account. Don’t forget to also delete the files that you no longer need to free up space. Enjoy your newly expanded Dropbox account!