How to Get Free Kobo Books: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re an avid reader, you know how expensive books can be, especially if you’re constantly adding to your collection. E-books offer a more affordable option, but even then, the cost can add up over time. However, there is a way to download e-books for free, and in this guide, we’ll show you how to do just that.

Before we begin, we want to make it clear that downloading pirated copies of books is illegal and not condoned. We’re simply showing you how to download books legally and for free.

Step 1: Download an Ebook Software

To start, you’ll need an e-book software to read your downloaded books. We recommend using a website like Kali Rae, which is compatible with all major and most minor e-book devices, including your Kindle, iPhone, or iPad. Simply go to the website, download Calibri, and select your operating system. Once downloaded, open the file and install the program.

Step 2: Find and Download Your Book

Next, go to Google and search for the e-book you want to download. For this example, we’ll use “How Your Posture and the Order of the Phoenix” as an example. To keep things simple, we recommend searching for a PDF file, but if you find a better format like mobi or ePub, those will work better. Just be wary of phony websites that claim to offer free downloads and end up tricking you into paying.

Step 3: Convert and Load Your Book onto Your Device

Once you’ve found your book, download it to your desktop and open Calibri. Connect your e-book device, whether it’s a Kindle or another device, to your computer. Then, press “Add Books” and select your downloaded book from your desktop. Calibri will automatically convert the file to the appropriate format for your device, whether it’s mobi or another format. Finally, right-click on the book and select “Send to Device” to load it onto your device’s main memory.

And that’s it! With these three simple steps, you can download any book you want and read it on your e-book device for free. Happy reading!