How to Get Celebs to Follow You on Twitter

Have you ever wanted to be friends with Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, or even Barack Obama? Well, for the single tweet, almost anyone can hang out with your favorite stars. But how can you get them to follow you back? Here are six simple steps that you can follow to make it happen.

Firstly, you need to do your research. You should know what’s hot and what’s not. You can use a service called Tweet O’Clock to find out when your desired celebrity is most likely to start tweeting. You can then start working out when they’re going to be tweeting and be there, ready to read and respond.

Secondly, you need to choose your celebrity carefully. You want to follow the right celebrity who is most likely to respond to your tweets. For instance, following Lady Gaga is more likely to get you a response than following Danny DeVito.

Thirdly, choose your username carefully. Avoid using a stalker-ish username. Just put your name in, it’s much easier for everybody.

Fourthly, respond to their tweets. When you see something they tweeted about, drop a tweet. You never know, they might respond back.

Fifthly, check the bio on the right-hand side. It will tell you if it’s run by the real person or the PR team. Follow the real person, not the PR team.

Finally, if someone is pretending to be you on Twitter, you can report them to Twitter. If you’re a celebrity, you can have a verified account, and people know that it’s you and they’re talking to you.

In conclusion, getting celebs to follow you on Twitter is not rocket science. With these six simple steps, you can easily get them to follow you back. Just do your research, choose your celebrity carefully, choose your username carefully, respond to their tweets, check the bio, and report any imposters.