How to Get Animoji on Any iPhone Supporting iOS 11

Have you ever wanted to get animojis, but don’t have an iPhone 10? Well, there is an application that will allow you to get animojis on any iPhone that supports iOS 11. The app is free to download and can be found in the description.

The reason why this feature is not enabled on any other iPhone, like the iPhone 8, is because the iPhone 10 has a dot projector that tracks all the motion and muscles on the user’s face in order for the animoji feature to work.

Once you have downloaded the app, you can go to Messages and tap on “Apps” or the App Store icon. Then, select “Add Emojis”. However, the graphics may not be the best as it does not capture the same quality of graphics as the iPhone 10.

The app allows you to take a photo by tapping once, and record a video message by tapping and holding. It may not track your face muscles accurately all the time, but it is still a good alternative for those who want to experience animojis on any other iPhone.

Although you will not get the same characters and graphics as the animojis on the iPhone 10, you will still be able to use the same characters that are available on Apple’s animojis.

In conclusion, if you want to get animojis on any iPhone supporting iOS 11, then this app is definitely worth trying out. It’s a quick and easy way to experience animojis and have fun with your friends and family.