How to Get Adobe Firefly: A Step-by-Step Guide to Joining and Using the Beta Program

Adobe has just released a new beta program called Adobe Firefly, and it’s generating a lot of buzz among graphic designers and content creators. Firefly is an AI-powered tool that allows you to create images based on text prompts. If you’ve been curious about Firefly and want to try it out, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to join the waitlist and use the program once you’re in.

To get started, head to the home page and read through the overview of what Firefly is all about. When you’re ready, tap “Request Access” in the top right corner of the page. Take a look at the terms and the overview of the beta, and then select “Apply Now.” Note that the sign-up page may look different from the one shown in the video.

Once you’ve filled in all your information, hit “Apply,” and you’ll be put into the Adobe Firefly beta waitlist. Adobe has been experiencing high demand, so it may take some time for you to be accepted into the program. You can check the status of your application by visiting Adobe beta, where you should see Firefly showing as “Awaiting Approval.”

When you’ve been accepted into the beta program, head to and select “Text to Image” in the left-hand menu. Enter a description of the image you want to create in the search bar, such as “Sunset over snow peaked mountains,” and hit “Generate.” Firefly will randomly create four different images for you.

From there, you can play around with the different settings and styles available to you. You can change the aspect ratio, the type of image, and the style, such as digital art or watercolors. You can also adjust the colors, tones, and composition settings until you’re happy with the image. When you make a few different tweaks, hit “Generate” again, and Adobe Firefly will generate four new images for you.

Once you’ve found an image you like, you can give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down, depending on whether you want to see more images like it. If you want to generate three more images that are similar to the one you like, tap the “Show Similar” button. From there, you can submit the image to a gallery, use it as a reference, or download it to your computer.

When you download the image, you’ll be prompted to acknowledge that it was created using AI. After that, you can open the image, tweak it further in Photoshop, or share it on your social media platforms.

In conclusion, Adobe Firefly is a powerful tool that allows you to create stunning images based on text prompts. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can join the Firefly beta program and start creating your own images in no time.