How to Fix Corrupted MP3 Files

Step 1: Install and launch the Mp3 Repair Tool using its official website. Step 2: In the search bar, select the corrupt files you intend to fix. Click 'Select All' to bring all the corrupted files into the software. Step 3: To fix mp3 file, tap the 'Repair' button to initiate the repair process.

If you’re in the habit of recording audio, you may have encountered the problem of corrupted files that won’t open in any of the usual programs. This can be frustrating, especially if you need the audio for a project. In this post, we’ll look at a method that worked for one audio enthusiast, using a corrupted file from a Zoom H6.

The first step is to check if there is any data left in the file. You can do this by looking at the file size. If there is data, but the file won’t open in Preview, QuickTime Player, iTunes, or Logic Pro, you can try VLC player. This is the program that worked for our audio enthusiast.

Open VLC player and go to the File menu. Select Convert/Stream and drag your media file into the window. Click on Custom and go to Encapsulation. Select Wave and go to Audio Codec. Select Audio and keep the original audio track. Apply these settings and choose the destination for the converted file. Manually type in “.wav” as the file name and save the file.

At this point, you may encounter the same problem that our audio enthusiast did. The file size may have changed or the length of the video may have changed. You may need to repeat the process multiple times until it works. It’s a bit of a gamble, but it can work.

It’s important to note that this method is not foolproof, and there may be other factors at play that can cause the corruption of a file. However, if you have a corrupted audio file and need to recover it, this method is worth a try.

In conclusion, if you encounter a corrupted audio file, don’t panic. There are methods to recover the data, and VLC player is one of them. While it may take a few tries to get it right, it’s worth it to recover your audio.


Why is my MP3 file damaged?
Damage to your MP3 files could be caused due to various factors. Maybe there was an issue with your Internet connection while downloading the MP3 files from the Internet. Or maybe there was a virus that infected your files and they ended-up getting damaged.
Can MP3 be corrupted?
MP3 files can corrupt for various reasons - improper system termination, incomplete download, etc. Your media player does not play such files when they are damaged.
How do I scan and fix an MP3 file?
Download MP3 Repair Tool >, use file browser screen to find damaged files >, select files to repair.Select Remove. For the number of frames to process, start with 1, then select Repair.MP3 Repair Tool removes single frames, each 26 milliseconds long, from the beginning of the MP3.
How do music files get corrupted?
Your audio's metadata can become a primary cause of audio corruption across your computer. If you would have intentionally or accidentally changed the metadata or header of your audio file, that can cause a distortion across your audio file and corrupt it.