How to Find Contacts on Clubhouse and Send Invites

Are you new to Clubhouse and wondering how to send an invite to your friends? In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of finding contacts on Clubhouse and sending invites to them.

Firstly, make sure you have the latest version of the Clubhouse app installed. If not, you can refer to our guide on how to update the app. Once you have the latest version, open the app on your phone.

To send an invite, click on the envelope icon at the top of the screen. Here, you’ll see a list of your saved contacts with whom you can send invites. If you want to invite someone who’s not in your contacts, you can type in their phone number.

Once you’ve found the contact you want to invite, click on the invite button next to their name. Clubhouse will open the messaging app with an invitation text. The invited user will receive a notification to sign up with the same phone number without any extra invite code.

Note that you cannot cancel a used or pending invite, so use them wisely. If the invite is not accepted, you can click on the send reminder button to send the invitation again.

Android users should note that as of now, the app is only available for iPhone users. However, it will be rolling out for Android soon.

If you’ve used up all your free invites, don’t worry. You can earn more by being active on the Clubhouse app. Participate in an open Clubhouse room as a listener or join as a speaker. You can also make a Club and share invite links to join a room.

We hope this guide has helped you find contacts on Clubhouse and send invites to them. If you have any further questions, feel free to leave a comment.