How to Exclude 0 from Average in Excel

Are you tired of calculating your averages including zeros? In this tutorial, we will show you how to calculate an average from a range excluding the zeros using Excel.

Let’s say we have a range of exam scores, but two people did not show up to the exam, which means they automatically score a 0. If we use the normal average function, it will calculate an average from that list, but it includes the zeros in its calculation. This gives us an aggregate of 59, which may not be a true representation of the average exam score. We only want to take into account those who turned up and exclude the zeros.

To exclude the zeros from our average calculation, we will use the AVERAGEIF function. If you’re using Excel 2007 or later, you can use this function. If you’re using an earlier version, you might want to look at a different technique.

To use AVERAGEIF, we need to provide a range of exam scores as before, and we need to provide a criteria. The criteria we will use is “greater than zero.” This will only include values that are greater than zero and avoid the zeros in the list. We do not need the last argument from this function, which asks us to provide a range, because the range we’re testing is the same one we want to use in the average. If it was different, we would need to provide the values.

After we provide the range and criteria, we can put a closing bracket and press enter. We will then have the average without the zeros, which is notably more than the standard average on its own.

With this method, we can now calculate our averages more accurately and exclude the zeros. Thank you for reading this tutorial. We hope you find it useful. For more tips like this, please visit