How to Do Gimp: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Box Stitch

Welcome to this guide on how to make a box stitch using Rex lace. This versatile weave is perfect for making lanyards, keychains, and even bracelets. With just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to master this technique in no time.

To start, find the ends of your Rex lace and hold them in your fingers. Stretch it out to find the center of each, then take one of them off and leave the other one on. Wrap the remaining lace around your finger and loop the front one under your finger and wrap it around one more time. Even out the tips at the end to make sure it’s even.

Now, take your other piece of Rex lace and loop it underneath both pieces of white. Make sure the green is centered so it’s even on both sides. Hold it tight in between your pointer and middle finger and use your thumb to hold down both pieces of white.

Next, take the end of your green lace and go over and under. Loop it over the one that’s closest to it to lock it in place. Do the same thing with the other green lace. If it’s twisted, flip the Rex lace over so it will make the box shape when you pull it tight.

Take it off your finger and pull it tight by slowly pulling one of each color in your hand. Don’t pull too hard and try to apply even pressure so it forms a neat little box.

To keep going, choose one color to make the first loops or stitches. Place the white loop over and flip it over again. Pinch the white with your fingers and go over and under with the green lace. Twist it to make sure it lays flat and repeat with the other green lace.

To tighten it, use your thumbnails to shove them together so they lock in place. Keep repeating the same thing, switching between the green laces, until you’ve reached your desired length.

And that’s it! You’ve just made a box stitch using Rex lace. With this simple technique, you can add a personal touch to your everyday items. In another video, we’ll show you how to end it, so stay tuned!