How to Do Auto Reply on TikTok

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms today, with millions of users worldwide. As a content creator, you might want to engage with your followers and respond to their messages, but sometimes it’s not possible due to time constraints. That’s where auto reply messages come in handy.

In this article, we will guide you on how to enable instant reply messages and welcoming messages on your TikTok account. By doing so, you can respond to your followers’ messages and welcome new followers automatically.

To get started, you need to enable the business feature on your TikTok account. To do this, click on the three dots on the menu and go to manage account. Next, switch to pro account and choose the business category.

After enabling the business account, click on the three dots again and go to business suit. Here you will find the message settings option. Under message settings, you will find two options: welcome message and keyword auto-reply. To enable instant reply messages, click on the auto-reply option and input the message you want to send when a follower sends you a specific keyword. For instance, if someone sends you a message saying “hello,” you can set up a message to respond to them automatically.

Don’t forget to save your settings and press submit. Now, every time someone sends you a message with the specific keyword, TikTok will send an automatic reply to them.

Next up, welcoming messages. This feature sends a message to new followers, welcoming them to your community. To enable it, click on the welcome message option and input the message you want to send to new followers. You can customize the message to make it more personalized and engaging.

Once you’ve set up your welcoming message, save your settings and press submit. Now, every time someone follows your account, they will receive a message welcoming them to your community.

By enabling these two features, you can engage with your followers more easily and make them feel appreciated. It’s a great way to build a community and encourage engagement on your TikTok account.

In conclusion, to enable instant reply messages and welcoming messages on your TikTok account, you need to enable the business feature, set up a message for specific keywords, and customize your welcoming message. These features can help you engage with your followers more efficiently, save time, and build a community of loyal followers.