How to Disable Google Lens 2021: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a Google Chrome user, you might be familiar with the Google Lens feature. This feature allows you to search for images using Google Lens, which opens up relevant searches in the site panel. However, some users might prefer the classic Google Images search in Chrome instead of Google Lens. If you are one of those users, you might have already known that Google removed the experimental flag to disable the Google Lens search image feature. But don’t worry, as there is still a way to disable Google Lens and restore the classic Google Images search in Chrome.

In this post, we will guide you through the steps to disable Google Lens in Chrome and restore the classic Google Images search. Please note that the method we are sharing here is based on experimental flags, which are not options but experiments that Google can remove at any time.

Step 1: Disable Temporary Unexpired Flags (m107)

The first flag we need to disable is the temporary unexpired flags (m107). These flags expired as of Chrome version 107, but they are still available to be disabled. To disable this flag, type “chrome://flags” in the address bar and search for “temporary unexpired flags (m107).” Change the setting from default to disabled and relaunch Google Chrome to apply the flag.

Step 2: Disable Flags Pertaining to Google Lens

Next, we need to disable all the flags related to Google Lens. To do this, head to the search bar in the experimental flags and type “lens.” You will get a list of flags pertaining to Google Lens. Disable all of these flags to remove the Google Lens search image feature. There are five flags that you need to disable, and their names will be listed in the description below.

Step 3: Disable Unified Start Panel (Revamp)

The last flag you need to disable is the unified start panel (revamp). This flag is related to the start panel experience and needs to be disabled. Once again, change the setting from default to disabled and relaunch the browser to apply the flag.

After disabling all these experimental flags, you should now be able to restore the classic Google Images search in Chrome. To test if it worked, right-click on any image in the browser, and instead of “search image with Google Lens,” you should see “search image with Google.” Click on that, and it should open up the classic Google Images search.

Please note that Google can remove these experimental flags at any time, and this method might not work in the future. Therefore, use this method at your own risk and keep an eye on any updates from Google regarding these experimental flags.

We hope this guide was helpful in disabling Google Lens and restoring the classic Google Images search in Chrome. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions or concerns.