How to Delete Music from iPod Touch: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re an iPod Touch user, you might be looking for ways to free up some space by removing songs that you no longer listen to. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to delete music from your device in two ways.

First, let’s start with the direct approach. Begin by opening up your music app and selecting albums. Unfortunately, you cannot delete entire albums on iOS 7, but you can delete individual songs from them. To delete a song, swipe it from left to right, and a “delete” option will appear. Tap on it, and the song will be removed from your device.

If you want to delete more than just a few songs, you’ll need to use iTunes. Connect your iPod Touch to your computer and open up iTunes. Click on the device icon, and then select the “music” option. Here, you’ll see your playlist, artists, genres, and albums. To remove an album, simply uncheck it. You’ll notice that your usage at the bottom of the screen will change according to what you uncheck. Once you’ve made all the changes you want, click on “apply,” and then “sync” to save the changes to your device.

It’s important to note that if you use the second method, the changes you make will not be reflected in your iTunes library; they’ll only be removed from your iPod Touch. So if you want to remove songs from both your device and your library, you’ll need to delete them from iTunes itself.

We hope this guide has been helpful in teaching you how to delete music from your iPod Touch. Keep in mind that the steps might differ slightly depending on what version of iOS you’re using. But with a little practice, you’ll be able to free up extra space on your device and enjoy more of the music you love.