How to Delete Books from Kindle Unlimited

If you’re an avid reader, you might have installed a lot of books on your Kindle. But what if you’ve run out of storage and want to free it up? Or maybe you just don’t want to keep some of the books anymore. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how you can delete any books from your Kindle.

There are two ways to delete books from your Kindle. First, you can go to your library where you’ll see all the books you’ve collected on your Kindle. Choose the book you want to delete, tap on the three-dot line, and select “permanently delete.” Then tap on “yes delete” to confirm, and the book will disappear from your library.

The second method lets you delete books directly from your storage. Go to your home screen, tap on the three dots, select “settings,” then choose “device options” and “advanced options.” Tap on “storage management,” then “manual remover,” and you’ll see all the books and files. You can select the books you want to remove and tap on “remove” to delete them directly from your Kindle.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to free up space on your Kindle and keep only the books you want. We hope you found this tutorial helpful.