How to Delete a Story on IG

Have you ever posted a story on Instagram and regretted it immediately? Maybe it was a silly mistake, or perhaps you just changed your mind. Whatever the reason, deleting a story on IG is a straightforward process that won’t take up too much of your time.

To delete a story on IG, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, click on your profile photo or the “add to my story” button. You will see that your story is saved inside Instagram. You can tell if you have a story by looking at your profile photo, which will have a ring around it.

If you want to delete your story, click on your profile photo and then the three dots. You will see the “delete” option. Click on it and then confirm the action by clicking “delete” again. Your story will be deleted, and all the photos and stories you just made will disappear.

If you want to post a story again, swipe to the side or click the “add an image” button. Posting a story is just as easy as deleting one.

Overall, deleting a story on IG is a simple process that won’t take too much time. If you ever post something you regret, remember these steps to remove it and start fresh.