How to Delete a Snapchat Story: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Delete a Snap from My Story Go to your Profile. Tap 'My Story' to view it. Press and hold on the Snap you want to delete, and tap 'Delete Snap'

Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms. People love sharing their daily activities, but sometimes we post something we want to delete later. If you’re one of those people who wants to delete a Snapchat story, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of deleting a Snapchat story.

Firstly, you need to open the Snapchat application and make sure you have posted a story. To view your own Snapchat stories, look in the top left corner of the specific page that you’re on. You will see a little circle icon. Click on that icon, and you’ll come to a new page where you will see the option “My Stories.” If you don’t see anything below this or if you don’t see any “My Stories” options, it probably means you didn’t post a story.

Assuming you have posted a story, you can click on that story to view it. If you want to delete the story, click and hold down on the story until the “delete snap” option appears. Once the “delete snap” option appears, click on it to delete the story permanently. You will see the message “Snap deleted,” and there will be nothing left on your “My Stories” panel. You can swipe back out, and you’ll see that the circle icon is no longer there. That means that the story has been deleted, and nobody else can see it.

In conclusion, deleting a Snapchat story is easy, and it only takes a few seconds to do. Follow these simple steps to delete your Snapchat story successfully. We hope this guide helps you delete your Snapchat story without any issues. If you have any other thoughts or questions, let us know in the comment section below.


Can we delete Snapchat story?
You can delete Snaps that you've sent to Stories, friends or groups. (If you've added multiple Snaps to the Story, tap to advance to the Snap you want to delete.)
Can you delete a Snapchat story before 24 hours?
Snapchat stories automatically delete after 24 hours, but you can also delete a Snapchat story at any time before it disappears. Keep in mind, however, that you can't delete your entire story with one single button tap — you'll have to go through each Snap individually and decide which to nix and which to keep.