How to Create a Search Engine for Complete Privacy

In the world of search engines, Google and Microsoft dominate the market. However, their business model revolves around building a profile of your interests and selling it to advertisers. This raises concerns about privacy and anonymity online. While some might rely on incognito mode or alternative search engines, they are not foolproof. The best way to ensure complete privacy is to build your own search engine, and it’s not as complicated as it might sound.

With the help of Docker, you can build your own search engine in about 10 minutes. You can do it on any spare computer, Raspberry Pi, or even the computer you’re using right now. Additionally, you have complete control over it, giving you the ultimate privacy option. Although building it in the cloud is quick and easy, it’s recommended to build it on your own hardware for maximum privacy.

To create your search engine, you will need to deploy something called Searx, specifically CIS NNG, which is a fork of the original Searx. Searx is an open-source metasearch engine that aggregates results from other search engines like Google and Bing. This means that your search queries will not be saved or shared with third-party advertisers.

Although building your search engine might seem like overkill, it’s a viable option for those who value privacy and security online. You don’t have to rely on third-party search engines that profit off your data anymore. You can have complete control over your search queries and keep your online activity private.

In conclusion, if you’re concerned about your privacy online, building your own search engine is a great option. It’s easy, quick, and gives you complete control over your online activity. By doing this, you can ensure that your search queries are not saved or shared with third-party advertisers. So why not try it out for yourself and see the difference?