How to Convert Voice Memo to Text

Do you have a voice memo that you want to convert into text? Perhaps you need it transcribed into another language. Well, it is easier than you might think.

Firstly, find the recording in your Voice Memos app on your iPhone. Select “Share” and upload it to Google Drive. Once it is uploaded, go to Google Drive on your computer and download it.

Next, go to Microsoft 365 and select “Word.” Start a blank document and look to the right-hand side of the screen. You’ll notice a microphone. Select it, and then select “Transcribe.” You’ll need to upload the audio file, which you can do by finding it on your computer and selecting “Open.” Give it some time to upload to OneDrive.

Once the audio file is uploaded, you can see it on the right side of the screen with timestamps. You can scroll through it and even add it to your document. If you only need the text, then you can copy it and use it as you wish.

That’s it! With these simple steps, you can easily convert your voice memo into text. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.