How to Convert 8mm to DVD: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you have old home movies or videos stored on eight millimeter (8mm) tapes, you may be wondering how to convert them into digital video files. Thankfully, it’s a relatively straightforward process that you can do at home with the right tools. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to convert 8mm to DVD or digital files.

What You’ll Need

– 8mm video camera (e.g. Sony Handycam)

– 8mm tape to convert

– EZCAP D60 (available on Amazon)

– RCA cable

– Computer or laptop (Windows or Mac)

Step 1: Prepare Your 8mm Tape and Camera

Insert your 8mm tape into the camcorder and turn it on. Set the camera to VTR or VCR mode, and make sure to rewind the tape if it’s not already fully rewound.

Step 2: Connect the RCA Cable and EZCAP D60

Open the flap that contains the AV out on the camcorder and plug one end of the RCA cable into the AV out. Take the other end of the RCA cable and plug it into your EZCAP D60. The EZCAP D60 converts analog data from the RCA cable into digital data that can be read on a computer. Finally, plug the EZCAP D60 into a USB port on your computer.

Step 3: Install EZCAP D60 Software and OBS Studio

Put the mini CD that came with the EZCAP D60 into your computer and run the software on the disk to install the video DVR and driver. If you don’t have a CD drive or don’t have the disk, you can download a zip file containing the necessary files. Next, go to and download the latest OBS Studio. OBS is an open-source program that has many uses, including converting old tapes.

Step 4: Configure OBS Studio

Once OBS Studio is installed, add a new source and select “Video Capture Device”. Set the camera to OEM device and configure the video to NTSC or PAL depending on your location. Then, configure the crossbar to video composite. Set the resolution to 720 by 480 and the frame rate to the highest frames per second. In the settings, go to output and set the encoder to x264. Under the recording tab, select the recording format to MP4 and change the resolution to 720 by 480 pixels. Make sure the frame rate is at 60, or 30 if you have a slower computer. Finally, hit “Transform” and “Fit to Screen”.

Step 5: Record Your 8mm Tape

Set your camera to VTR mode and start recording on OBS. Wait a few seconds, then press play on your camera. The tape should start playing and be visible on your screen. Since this is analog video, you’ll need to wait until the tape plays through before it’s fully converted. For example, if you have a 2-hour tape, you’ll need to wait 2 hours. When the tape is finished, press stop recording on OBS, then stop and rewind the tape to the beginning.

Step 6: Save Your Converted Digital Video

If you did everything correctly, you should see an MP4 file named after the date and time you recorded the tape in your videos folder. Open it up to verify that it’s the 8mm tape that you just converted. Congratulations, you’ve successfully converted your 8mm tape to digital video!

In conclusion, converting 8mm to DVD or digital files is a simple process that you can do at home with the right tools. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can preserve your old home movies and videos for years to come.


How to convert 8 mm to DVD?
Ultimately, this is one of the most straightforward methods that you can use to copy footage from an 8-millimeter tape to a DVD. Simply play the tape on your camcorder as the recorder records the footage onto the blank DVD. Then, you will have your footage in a new format that you can use in the future.
How do I transfer 8mm tapes to my computer?
If your 8mm or Hi8 camcorder has the standard audio/video input jacks, you can use standard A/V cables for the connection. If not, you may need a mini A/V output jack or S-Video output connector depending on your camcorder make.
What is the best way to convert 8mm to digital?
The most affordable method to convert 8mm film to digital is to use another camera to capture it in a digital format. You could even use a smartphone camera if you don't have anything else, but a digital video camera or a DSLR will work just fine as well.