How to Connect PSP to WiFi in 2021: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re a fan of the PSP, you know how important it is to stay connected to the internet. But sometimes, connecting to WiFi can be a hassle. That’s why we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll show you how to connect your PSP to WiFi in just a few easy steps.

Step One: Turn On Your PSP and WiFi

Before you can connect to WiFi, make sure your PSP is turned on and your WiFi connection is on as well. To turn on WiFi, simply push up on the switch located on the left-hand side of the PSP.

Step Two: Go to Your Settings

Once your PSP is turned on and your WiFi connection is on, go to the settings on your PSP. From there, scroll down to the network settings and click on it.

Step Three: Select Infrastructure Mode

Once you’re in the network settings, you’ll see two options: ad hoc mode and infrastructure mode. Select infrastructure mode by pressing X.

Step Four: Add a New Connection

After selecting infrastructure mode, add a new connection by clicking on it. You’ll be given two options: enter the wireless settings manually or scan for available WiFi connections. For this guide, we’ll scan for available WiFi connections.

Step Five: Choose Your WiFi Connection

Once you scan for available WiFi connections, you’ll see a list of WiFi connections. Select your WiFi connection and click on it. Your PSP will ask you for the ID book, which is selected automatically. Press the right arrow key to go to the next option.

Step Six: Enter Security Type and Key

Your PSP will then ask you for the security type. For this guide, we’ll use WPA PSK. Once you’ve selected the security type, enter the key and press Y.

Step Seven: Choose Address Settings

After entering the key, press Y again and choose the address settings. You can either use custom settings or use the default settings if you’re not sure what they are.

Step Eight: Name Your Connection

Once you’ve chosen your address settings, you’ll be asked to name your connection. Choose a name that’s memorable so you know what it is.

Step Nine: Save Your Settings

After naming your connection, your PSP will give you a summary of all the settings you’ve made. Review the settings and click on X to save them.

Step Ten: Test Your Connection

Once you’ve saved your settings, test your connection to see if it works. If everything is set up correctly, you should have a signal strength of 90% or more.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully connected your PSP to WiFi. Now you can enjoy all the benefits of being connected to the internet, including online gaming and web browsing.