How to Connect One Printer to Two Computers

If you have multiple computers at home or in the office, it can be tricky to get them all connected to the same printer. However, by following a few simple steps, you can easily share your printer in between two or three computers. In this post, we will guide you through the process of sharing a printer on a network.

Firstly, you need to designate one of your computers as the primary computer. This is the computer on which you should install the printer driver. Once you have done this, you need to adjust some settings on your primary computer. Right-click on your network and open the network and Internet settings. Click on sharing options and turn on network discovery, file and printer sharing, and 128-bit encryption.

Next, you need to share your printer. Go to the control panel, click on hardware and sound, and then click on device and printer. Right-click on the printer you want to share and click on printer properties. Click on sharing and check the share this printer option. Click apply and OK.

Now, on your other computer, open the network and look for the shared printer. If it is not immediately visible, hit refresh until it appears. You can also find your printer in shared folders, such as user, admin, or desktop. Right-click on the printer and click on connect. Your printer is now ready to use on your network.

Whenever you need to print, open your printer and select the correct printer, which should be the shared Canon printer. Click on print and your document will be sent to the printer. It’s that simple!

By following these steps, you can easily connect one printer to two computers. This is a great way to save money and space, and it’s especially useful for small offices or households. We hope you found this post helpful!