How to Connect GoPro Hero 8 Black to Your Phone

If you have a GoPro Hero 8 Black and you want to connect it to your iPhone or Android phone, you’re in luck because it’s actually very simple to do. All you need is to download the GoPro app which is available in your App Store or Google Play Store.

Once you have downloaded the app, open it up and ensure that you tap on the left icon located at the bottom of the screen. Turn your GoPro 8 on and slide down from the top to the bottom. Tap on “Preferences” and then on “Connections”. Next, tap on “Connect Device” and select “GoPro app” from the options provided. If you have already installed the app on your phone, you should see your GoPro Hero 8 Black appear on your screen.

Tap on the plus sign on the app and allow it to search for your GoPro. Once it has found it, tap on “Connect Camera”. You will then receive a Bluetooth pairing request. Tap on “Pair” and wait for the connection to be successful. From here, you can change your GoPro’s name if you wish but it’s optional.

Congratulations, your GoPro Hero 8 Black is now connected to your phone! You can now start recording or taking photos using your phone. There are other options available on the app such as starting a video or taking photos. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to comment below.

In conclusion, connecting your GoPro Hero 8 Black to your phone is a breeze. With this feature, you can now easily capture and share your adventures with your friends and family.