How to Clean a MacBook Pro Keyboard: A Step-by-Step Guide

You can use a soft, dry, lint-free cloth to wipe the keyboard , but if you need something stronger, Apple suggests you can use a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe, a 75% ethyl alcohol wipe, or a Clorox disinfecting wipe on the hard, nonporous surfaces of your Apple devices, like the display and keyboard.

If you’ve been using your MacBook Pro for a while without cleaning its keyboard, chances are it’s pretty gross. But no need to worry, with the right tools and techniques, you can safely clean your keyboard without causing any damage.

Here’s what you’ll need: a bottle of water with a spray top, a clean microfiber towel, a soft brush for your vacuum cleaner, and q-tips or cotton buds depending on where you live.

Start by gently brushing over the keyboard with your soft brush in a north-south then east-west fashion to loosen any dry bonded soil. Once that’s done, grab your vacuum cleaner and gently go over the keys to remove all of the loosened dirt.

Next, grab a cotton bud and run it through the first line of keys with medium pressure. You’re going to want to flip the board over and then continue through each line of keys changing the cotton bud for a new one as they get dirty. Then work your way back up the keyboard horizontally to go in between the keys in the other direction.

After that, vacuum the keyboard again to get any loosened soil off and move on to the wet cleaning phase. Grab your folded microfiber towel and your spray bottle of water and move away from the MacBook. Give a couple of sprays onto the towel but make sure that it’s not dripping wet. Rub your hand into it to move the moisture into the towel. This is a low-moisture clean; you just want the towel to be damp.

In a north-south fashion, work your way over the keyboard. Then repeat the same process in the opposite direction to get as much of the soil out. Afterward, wipe over the keyboard with a dry microfiber towel. Give the rest of the aluminum and trackpad a wipe with the damp microfiber before giving it all one last buff with a dry microfiber to get rid of any smudges and smears.

And there you have it! Your keyboard is now clean and ready to use.

This was a step-by-step guide on how to clean a MacBook Pro keyboard. It’s the second video in a three-part series about how to clean and care for your MacBook. Don’t forget to check out the other videos if you found this one helpful. And if you don’t want to miss any future videos, consider subscribing to the channel.


Is there a way to clean under MacBook Pro keys?
Turning your laptop upside down and shaking it helps to remove any dirt, dust, or food crumbs that have fallen beneath the keyboard, dislodging any material that's stuck beneath the keys. Try tapping all of the keys on your keyboard repeatedly and then shake it over the trashcan again.
How do I clean my MacBook Pro keyboard without compressed air?
To clean the MacBook keys, use cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol. We must ensure that it has only been dipped and not completely soaked. Once all of the dust has been removed, discard the cotton swab. We can also clean the keyboard with a small brush.
How do you clean the keyboard under the keys?
Turn off and unplug your laptop. ... Flip your laptop upside-down and shake it. ... Use a soft brush or compressed air to clean out loose debris. ... Take a picture of the keyboard. ... Pry the keys off. ... Wipe underneath the keys. ... Replace the keys.
Is it safe to clean MacBook keyboard?
Using a 70 per cent isopropyl alcohol wipe, 75 per cent ethyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, you may gently wipe the hard, non-porous surfaces of your Apple product, such as the display, keyboard or other exterior surfaces. Don't use products that contain bleach or hydrogen peroxide.