How to Change Google Chrome New Tab Page Thumbnails

Google Chrome is undoubtedly one of the most popular web browsers today. If you are one of the many people who use it frequently, you may have tried customizing your taskbar or themes. But have you ever wondered how to change the new tab page on Chrome? Whether you want to increase productivity or personalize the browser according to your usage, let us show you how to do it.

Changing the new tab page on Chrome is easy. You can customize the new tab page without using any extensions by letting Google display the websites you frequent on tiles or icons, making them easy to access. If you want to remove any of them, you simply hover over the website tile or icon, click on the three dots on the top right, and select remove. You can undo this by clicking on the prompt that will appear below.

If you want more functionalities, there are several extensions you can choose from. First, access the Chrome Web Store by opening a new tab page and finding the apps icon, then select web store. If you have trouble finding it, you can simply type in on your browser’s search bar.

One of the recommended extensions is Infinity New Tab, which is highly customizable from the font background layout, applications, shortcuts, and more. Prioritab is another extension that displays the time you have and lets you list tasks and priorities depending on their deadlines. Momentum is another great extension for productivity, as it changes your new tabs to your own personal dashboard. If you want something fun and different, you may choose to add the Battle Tabs extension, which turns your new tabs into multiplayer battle games.

To remove any of these extensions, simply click the puzzle icon and select manage extensions from the bottom. From the extension manager, you can turn off or remove extensions. The web store offers a lot of new tab extensions, so browse to find one that perfectly suits your needs.

Customizing your new tab page on Google Chrome is easy, and the extensions available make it even more enjoyable. Try them out and see which one suits you best.