How to Change Default Messaging App on iPhone

Are you tired of using the same old default apps on your iPhone? Do you wish to customize it with your preferred apps? If yes, then we have got you covered. In this post, we will show you how to change some of the default apps on your iPhone. Although you cannot do it with all the apps, we hope it will increase over time. And if it does, the exact way we show you here is what you will use for other apps too. So just follow along, it’s effortless.

The first thing you need to do is open up your settings. Once you’re in settings, scroll down until you see all of your apps. However, note that this does not work with a lot of different types of apps, only your browser and mail app. If you want to change your mail app from the default mail app to something else, like Gmail or Yahoo mail, or another mail app, you can do it. But remember, you have to have one of those other apps already installed from the app store. If you don’t, go into the app store and download the said app you want to be your default mail app.

Suppose you have Gmail installed. In that case, you have to open up Gmail and then see default mail setup. Tap on that, and then tap on Gmail. There will be a little checkbox next to it, and that’s when you know it’s your default app. If you click on a link that’s an email, it’ll automatically open up that email app that you’ve chosen as your default app. You can choose Yahoo mail, regular mail app, and if you have other mail apps, you can do that as well to make it your default mail app in case you don’t want to use the default apple mail app.

Next, what if you want to change your default browser app? Find the browser that you want to change it to, for instance, Chrome. Tap Chrome, tap default browser app, and then tap Chrome, and it becomes your default browser. Again, if you click on a link or something and it opens up a website, it’ll use Chrome or whatever other browser app you’re using. Firefox or some other one as well will do that for you.

It’s effortless to change some of your default apps if it’s one of these apps, or they add more features like maybe you’re able to change your navigation app, your maps app one day in the future, you would go into Google maps or Waze or whatever app you have installed that’s an alternative to the maps app, and you’d be able to change it the same way we changed these other apps.

In conclusion, changing your default messaging app on iPhone is an excellent way to customize your device. It’s straightforward and takes only a few steps to change your default app, be it a browser or mail app. So, go ahead and make your iPhone more personalized.