How to Calculate Weighted Average in Google Sheets

Welcome to this tutorial on how to use the average.weighted function in Google Sheets. This function returns the weighted average of a set of numbers, with each number having a corresponding weight. The weighted average is equal to the sum of the product of each number and its corresponding weight in the number set.

Here’s the format of the average.weighted function:

=average.weighted(values, weights, [additional values], [additional weights])

Values are the numbers in a range, and weights are the corresponding weights of the numbers. Additional values and weights are optional.

Let’s consider an example of using the average.weighted function to calculate the weighted average of scores of two colleges for college selection. Assume you want to select a college based on three of their characteristics, for each of which you have given a weight and a score on a scale of 0 to 100 for each college.

To use the average.weighted function formula in Google Sheets, type “=ave” and select “average.weighted” from the suggestions. Then, select the range of values and the range of weights, separated by a comma. Press enter to get the weighted average of these numbers.

To get the weighted average of another set of numbers, simply copy the formula to another cell. However, make sure to lock the address of the ranges so they don’t change when you copy the formula. To do this, click on the cell and press F4 to lock the address with a dollar symbol.

That’s it! With the average.weighted function, calculating weighted averages in Google Sheets is a breeze.