How to Blow Up Someone’s Phone: A Step-by-Step Guide

So you want to text spam someone’s phone? Well, we don’t condone harassment, but if you’re curious about how it’s done, we have the step-by-step guide for you.

First, it’s important to note that any cell phone number can be texted to in the format of an email. The key here is to not think about spamming someone’s phone number, but rather spamming an email address. All you need to know is who their phone provider is, which takes about 10 seconds to find out.

Once you get their email phone number, you can sign them up for anything you want. But we’ll show you one site that will have them texted from 30 to 50 different numbers, set up to occur daily.

Here’s how it’s done:

Step 1: Find out their phone provider. Use the website, which will tell you in about 10 seconds. Once you find out who their phone provider is, you can format their phone number into an email.

Step 2: Span their email phone number. The national Incident Management Systems alert website, which is like FEMA, is a great option. Click on the link, hit the “subscribe to mailing list” button, and sign up to receive email updates.

Step 3: Choose immediately or daily updates, and start checking boxes. Each checked box will be a different number. The more boxes you check, the more texts they’ll receive.

What sucks about getting spammed by email addresses in text is that they’re a lot harder to block than people’s cell phone numbers. This will make someone change their phone number if they can’t figure out where this is coming from and change their subscription settings.

It’s easy to unsubscribe. All you have to do is log in, but it’s not obvious where the texts are coming from. So, if you’re curious, test it out on yourself before doing it to someone else.

While it’s not ethical to use this method to harass anyone, it’s important to know how it’s done so you can protect yourself from potential spamming.