How to Be Zombies in Garden Warfare: Tips and Tricks

In Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, zombies have to use their brains (or what’s left of them) to overcome the plant enemies. Here are some tips and tricks to help you and your undead teammates succeed.

First, remember that the zombies work best as a group. Use your abilities to help each other out and disrupt the enemy plants. When facing a group of plants, the all-star should be the first one to charge in. While not particularly powerful, his abilities can change the landscape of battle to your advantage. Start with a sprint tackle to knock back any plants in your way, then punt an imp towards the nearest cluster of enemies and throw up tackling dummies to provide cover for your allies. Lay down covering fire until your sprint tackle recharges.

The foot soldier is the workhorse of the zombie army. Use his Z1 assault blaster to do damage at most ranges, and keep an eye on the sky for those pesky garlic drones. The ZPG rocket can devastate groups of plants, so remember to use it at least once per life. The zombie stink cloud is also helpful in obscuring your advances and causing chaos on capture points.

In Gardens and Graveyards mode, the engineer zombie is crucial. Build teleporters to get your team to the capture points quickly, and upgrade turrets to mark two. Send your drone up to needle enemies fighting your allies, and use the airstrike ability to clear out minefields.

Finally, the scientist plays an important support role with his healing hydrant and speedy revival times. Reviving your allies is important to deny points to the plants. Use the warp ability to flank enemies and close distance quickly. Plant mines strategically to mine the main lanes and side alleys.

Remember that the time it takes for your abilities to recharge spans across lives, so use them strategically but don’t be afraid to use them often. Shamble together with your teammates and tear those organic offenders leaf from limb!