How to Backup Computer Windows 7 Before Installing Windows 10

Backing up your computer files is an essential task that every computer user should do regularly. If you’re planning to install Windows 10, it’s crucial to back up your files to avoid losing them. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to back up your computer files for Windows 7 before installing Windows 10.

First, you need to ensure that you have all of your files on your hard drive, such as your desktop documents, downloads, music, pictures, and videos. Ensure that you have a backup of those files by taking any files you have and putting them in your network folder or into a cloud space folder like Google Drive or OneDrive for Business from Microsoft.

To create a backup, you can click or right mouse click on your file and copy it, then paste it into your folder. If you have any specialty folders that you’ve created, you can go to your username to locate them. To keep your files organized, you can create a new folder by right-clicking anywhere in the folder and selecting “New” then “Create Folder.”

Once you’ve created the folder, you can click and drag or copy and paste your files from one folder to the other. You can also put your files on a jump drive or external hard drive. However, if you want to ensure that your files are saved, put them on the network folder.

Finally, you can upload your files to Google Drive by clicking on “New” and selecting “File Upload” or “Folder Upload.” Select the folder or file you want to upload, click “OK,” and wait for it to upload.

In conclusion, backing up your computer files is essential before installing Windows 10. You can back up your files by putting them in your network folder or into a cloud space folder like Google Drive. Ensure that your files are saved by putting them on the network folder, and you can upload them to Google Drive for backup.