How to Avoid Phone Blast: Tips and Tricks

Phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. We carry them with us everywhere, and they help us stay connected to the world. However, it’s important to remember that phones are electrical devices and can malfunction. One of the most dangerous malfunctions is a phone blast or explosion.

A phone blast might seem like something out of a movie, but it’s a very real and dangerous phenomenon. Fortunately, there are things you can do to avoid phone blasts and protect yourself from harm.

Step One: Location Matters

Phones generate heat when they’re in use or charging. If the heat builds up too much, the battery can start to break down and release heat. This can cause a feedback loop that can result in a phone blast. To avoid this, don’t leave your phone in a hot car or any other place where the temperature can rise quickly. Apple recommends that iPhones shouldn’t get hotter than 45 degrees Celsius.

Step Two: Don’t Charge in a Hot Spot

When you’re charging your phone, be careful where you put it. Don’t put it in direct sunlight, under a pillow, or next to a heat source. A girl in Kazakhstan died when her phone exploded beside her bed while she was listening to music and fell asleep. The heat from the charging phone caused the battery to break down and release heat, resulting in an explosion.

Step Three: Use a Reliable Charging Device

Don’t use an uncertified or cheap charger to charge your phone. These chargers can generate excess heat that can damage the battery. Over time, this can cause the battery to break down and release heat. If you notice that your phone is getting hot while charging, stop charging it.

Step Four: Think Fast

If you keep your phone in your front pocket, be careful. A hotel employee’s phone started to blow up in his face, and his shirt caught on fire. He was able to remove his shirt and avoid further injuries. Be prepared to act quickly if your phone starts to overheat.

Step Five: Prepare for the Aftermath

If your phone explodes or catches fire, it can cause a fire in your house or car. You could also suffer from burns on your skin or shards of glass from the screen. If this happens, get to a hospital or seek medical attention right away. If you notice the warning signs of a potential battery explosion, like bulging or a hissing noise coming from near the battery, or if the phone gets hot and doesn’t cool down, shut it off. Don’t carry on as usual.

In conclusion, phones are an essential part of our daily lives, but they can also be dangerous. By following these tips, you can avoid phone blasts and protect yourself from harm. Always use a reliable charging device, be careful where you charge your phone, and be prepared to act quickly if your phone starts to overheat. Remember that phones aren’t perfect, and things can happen very quickly. Stay safe, stay alert, and stay connected.