How to Anonymously Airdrop: Change Your Airdrop Name on iOS

Have you ever wanted to airdrop something anonymously to your classmates or colleagues? Well, changing your airdrop name on your iPhone is a simple way to accomplish that. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to change your airdrop name on your iOS device.

Firstly, make sure you choose a name that doesn’t identify you in any way. Don’t choose anything that could be traced back to you, such as your real name or your nickname. Instead, opt for something that’s random and doesn’t give away your identity.

To change your airdrop name, go to Settings, then General, then About, and tap on Name. Type in the name you want to use, and click Done. And that’s it! You’ve successfully changed your airdrop name.

Now, you can airdrop random stuff to people anonymously. It could be a funny meme, a homework assignment, or anything you want. But remember, don’t use this to do anything harmful or inappropriate. Keep it light and fun.

In conclusion, changing your airdrop name on your iOS device is a quick and easy way to send things anonymously. Just make sure you choose a name that doesn’t identify you in any way. And with that, you’re ready to start airdropping anonymously.