How to Add a Caption to a Query in Access

In Microsoft Access, field names are very important as they allow tables to be related and queries to be run with ease. However, field names aren’t always user-friendly and can lead to confusion for the end user. This is where adding a caption comes in handy.

A caption is a piece of text that displays over a field name in datasheet view. It can be used to provide a more descriptive or user-friendly name for a field. For example, instead of displaying “Employee Info ID,” a caption could be added to display “Job Title.”

To add a caption to a field in Access, first, open the table in design view. From there, select the field that you want to add a caption to and jump down to the field properties area. Look for the section called “Caption” and type in whatever caption you’d like to display.

It’s important to note that the caption does not have to be the same as the field name. It can contain special characters, spaces, and any other text that will make the field more user-friendly.

Once the caption has been added, save the table and jump back into datasheet view. You will now see that the caption displays rather than the actual field name. This can greatly reduce confusion for end users and make your database more user-friendly.

Overall, adding captions to fields in Access is a simple and effective way to improve the user experience and reduce confusion. Try it out for yourself and see how it can benefit your database.