How to Access the Internet Without an ISP

Many of us wonder if it is possible to access the internet without an ISP. The short answer is no. An ISP, or Internet Service Provider, is a company that provides consumers with the connection to the internet. It connects multiple computers and servers in a network, which is what makes the internet.

In America, some cities or counties have tried to build their own network and bypass the ISP by becoming their own ISP. But there is a lot of documentation and red tape involved in doing so. It is possible to become an NBN Co reseller, but it requires a large investment to maintain servers, connect people, and resell the amount of access bought.

While it is technically possible to create your own internet, you still need to connect to your nation’s cable, which sends information. At the end of the day, the company that owns the pipes where your information flows through needs to be paid, and somebody has to pay for the usage of the lines.

If you’re at school, university, or any organization, you might be able to create your own intranet, which is essentially your own internal service provider. But this bypasses the ISP only for internal purposes.

In short, it is not possible to bypass the ISP and have your own internet that can access the plethora of information around the world stored in different servers. While there are ways to create your own internal network, it is not practical or feasible to create your own internet.

As much as we would like to bypass the ISP, it is not something we can do in our lifetime. The costs involved in creating your own internet are too high, and there are legal implications, such as being responsible for people who use your connection to pirate content.

So, while the idea of having your own internet without an ISP might sound appealing, it is not a practical solution. At this point in time, we need to rely on ISPs to connect to the internet.