How Does Apple Maps Know About Speed Checks?

Apple Maps has been slowly integrating Waze’s features into their app, making it a more robust and user-friendly navigation system. One of the most recent features that Apple Maps has added is the ability to report police speed checks, hazards, and crashes.

There are two ways that you can report police speed checks in Apple Maps. The first way is through your iPhone. Make sure that you are navigating somewhere and tap on the little arrow on the bottom of your screen. From there, hit “report an incident” and choose “speed check”, “crash”, or “hazard”. It’s that simple. Other users will be able to see that there is a police speed check up ahead.

The second way to report police speed checks is through Apple CarPlay. If you’re not navigating, you can open up Apple Maps and on the right-hand side, you’ll see a chat bubble with an exclamation point inside. Tap on that and a pop-up will appear in the left-hand corner where you can choose to report a hazard, crash, or police speed check. If you are navigating, tap the little up arrow and then tap on “report”. From there, you can choose the type of incident you are reporting.

When you report an incident, other users will be able to see it on their screens. This is extremely helpful when you’re driving and want to know if there is a speed check up ahead. It’s also helpful when other users report incidents, as you can see them on your screen as well.

Overall, this is a great feature that Apple Maps has added. It makes the app more user-friendly and helps to keep drivers safe on the road. If you’re an Apple Maps user, give this feature a try and let us know what you think.