How do Instagram Models Make Money?

Are you wondering how Instagram models make money? In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the top ways that people are making big bucks on Instagram.

First things first, in order to make big bucks on Instagram, you have to be an influencer. You don’t have to be a serious mega influencer with millions of followers; you can be a small influencer or what they call a micro influencer with only 5,000 or 3,000 followers on Instagram. Obviously, to be an influencer, you have to have a niche. Whatever you feel more comfortable with, whatever you’re most passionate about, let that be your niche and just roll with it.

Another step to getting paid big bucks on Instagram is to post frequently, post high-quality content with great captions. One tip is to not edit your caption. Instagram’s algorithm knows that your post isn’t authentic if you edit it and it kind of gives you a lower rank. So what you want to do is think about your post thoroughly and then maybe write the draft and then just copy and paste that draft into your posts so once you post it, you don’t want to edit it because that’s only going to hurt your chances of ending up on the discovery page.

Another important thing is that you want to keep the overall aesthetic of your page in mind. Try to use a similar color scheme and think about how your page looks as a grid. One app that you might find really useful is called Preview. This is an app that can be used to see what your grid is going to look like and you can plan your post around that.

A lot of people are so worried about how many followers they have, but that’s not the most important number that actually matters. What matters is your engagement rate. Brands are going to take notice and want to work with you and of course, pay you the big bucks. So don’t worry about how many followers you have. Although it’s nice to have many followers, you want to keep your followers engaged. Comment on other people’s posts, like other people’s posts, and don’t be afraid to follow back. What matters is your engagement rates and of course your overall influence.

Now that we’ve gone over some tips, let’s get to the fun part. Here are some of the tools and apps that you can use to connect with brands, get brand deals, and obviously get paid as an influencer on Instagram.

One app that you can use is called Famebit. Famebit is a really great app where you can easily work with brands, send them a pitch, and if they like your pitch and they see your demographics, they might want to work with you and of course, you can always name your price.

Another great tool especially for Instagram is Aspire IQ. Aspire IQ is a really popular tool for influencer marketing. You can connect your Instagram, your YouTube, your blog, and once you sign up, you see a whole bunch of brand deals and campaigns that brands are launching. You can see which one works for you, send them a proposal, and it can kind of give you a scale of how much you can expect to get paid.

There are some other platforms like, fluence, and more. You guys should definitely check them out, sign up, connect with brands, start getting brand deals and partnerships, and of course, start making that big bucks.

One tool that’s really helpful is called Social Bluebook. It actually gives you a breakdown of your audience demographic and then it tells you what is a fair range for you to charge for brand collaborations, whether it’s an IG post, whether it’s an IG story post, whether it’s a mention, or whatever. It kind of gives you a range of how much you should ask from brands.

These are some secrets that influencers don’t want you to know, but now you know it. So get out there and start collaborating and start making money per post on your social platforms.