How Do I Get My Microphone Back on My Phone?

Have you ever been frustrated when the microphone disappears from the keyboard on your Android phone? If you prefer using the microphone to text people or to type into your web browser, you know how important it is to have it readily available. The good news is that we have a solution for you!

When you open your text messaging application or any other app that requires a keyboard, you should see a little microphone icon in the bottom left corner of your screen. However, if you can’t see it, don’t worry – you’re not alone! This problem has been faced by many Android users, and it can be quite frustrating to find a solution for it.

The first thing you should do is press and hold the comma key on your keyboard. This will bring up a little menu where you can select “Keyboard Settings.” From there, you need to go to “Text Correction” and turn on the “Show Suggestion Strip” option. This will turn on the microphone and display it in the suggestion strip at the top of your keyboard.

If you prefer a shortcut to the settings, you can also find it by pressing and holding the period key. This will open a menu where you can select “Settings.” From there, you can go to “Text Correction” and turn on the “Show Suggestion Strip” option.

In summary, if you’re missing the microphone icon on your Android keyboard, don’t panic! Just press and hold the comma key or the period key to access the settings and turn on the “Show Suggestion Strip” option. This will bring back the microphone and make it readily available for you to use.

We hope this article has been helpful for you, and please feel free to share this solution with your friends who might be facing the same problem.