How Do Hotel Keys Work?

Hotel locks can be confusing, and when you can’t figure them out, it can be embarrassing. It seems like it should be simple, just a lock to let you in, but the deadbolt doesn’t work anything like what you think it would. Usually, you flip the lever and the deadbolt goes in, and you say, “Great, I can’t even close the door now.” You have to call the front desk and say, “I don’t know how to unlock the door.” Now you have to fiddle with the locks or call the front desk or just leave the door open. These locks certainly don’t work like the ones at home.

Let’s go through the different types of locks. This lock is an automatic door. It’s simple once you know how it works. Just turn the handle. The next lock isn’t so bad when you know how it works. Just flip it over like this. That’s it. If somebody tries to open the door, it locks. If you want out the door, you have to remember to swing it out of the way. It’d be nice if they picked the same locks that you had at home.

Now let’s talk about the card swipe. These things can be frustrating, and even if you do it all right, sometimes they don’t work. All you want to do is swipe in and get in. Usually, you’re tired because you’ve been traveling all day. Make sure the arrow on the card is pointing down. It’s a little detail, but it’s necessary. You can’t just put the card in any old way. If you don’t put that arrow down, it won’t work. Watch for that green light. That means it’s a go.

So that’s how the lock works. Remember to take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy your stay.