How Did the Analog Sunset Change the Output Standards for Blu-ray?

Component video distribution has been a hot topic lately, with discussions centered around what has been referred to as the analog sunset. Trent Mulligan of Avocation Systems sat down with Richard Raisbeck, an engineering design and manufacturing expert in the audio video distribution industry, to discuss the future of component video in light of the analog sunset.

So, what is the analog sunset? The term refers to a license agreement that blu-ray player manufacturers signed, which required analog video to go down to standard resolution in 2011 and be removed from blu-ray players altogether in 2013. However, this only affects copyright-protected material, as there is a congressional order in place to prevent other equipment from having to go down to standard resolution video.

With this in mind, what does the future hold for component video? While it cannot support 3D video, it is a true digital format. There are currently 327 million television sets in the United States, 64 million of which are high-definition televisions. However, 51 million of those people still watch standard definition television, leaving 314 million standard definition television viewers. This means that component video will be around for a long time.

Should dealers be skeptical about installing a component video distribution system? No, they should always future-proof their installations and think about what will be required for the next 5-10 years. Dealers should also ask their customers if they are interested in 3D video, as the same wiring can be used for both analog and digital video. However, there is a cost premium for digital video of 100%. Additionally, the current digital formats may not exist in five years.

While the analog sunset has changed the output standards for blu-ray, component video is still a viable option for many viewers. Dealers should always keep the future in mind when installing systems and consult with their clients to determine the best course of action. For more information, tips, and expert advice on audio and video distribution, be sure to check out reputable sites.