How Cold Can AirPods Get? Top 5 Things to Avoid Doing to Your AirPods

If you’re an AirPods user, you know how important it is to take care of them to ensure they last long. Whether you’re new to AirPods or have been using them for a while, there are things you should avoid doing to keep them in the best condition possible. Here are the top five things you should never do to your AirPods.

1. Don’t Get Them Wet

AirPods are not waterproof and are not IP certified. Getting them wet or exposing them to bodies of water can have detrimental effects on your AirPods. While a little bit of water might not hurt them, excessive exposure to moisture can corrode the internals, affecting the sound quality over time. Avoid getting them wet or sweaty to increase their longevity.

2. Don’t Wear One AirPod More Than the Other

AirPods have batteries inside them, and using one AirPod more frequently than the other can cause one battery to degrade faster than the other. To even out the degradation, use both AirPods at the same time, or switch them out if you want to use only one. This will help to prolong the battery life of your AirPods in the long run.

3. Don’t Let Them Die Frequently

Letting your AirPods die frequently can also decrease their longevity. Batteries degrade over time, and letting the AirPods die all the time can make the batteries degrade even faster. Try to keep the battery life above 20% to prevent the batteries from wearing out too quickly.

4. Don’t Allow Your AirPods to Get Dirty

Allowing your AirPods to get dirty can affect the sound quality and connectivity. It’s essential to keep your ears clean, but sometimes, dirt and earwax can cause connectivity issues. Clean your AirPods with a Q-tip regularly to prevent connectivity issues and improve sound quality. Also, don’t forget to clean the inside of the case to prevent dirt buildup that can affect the charging capability.

5. Don’t Forget to Take Care of the Case

The AirPods charging case is as important as the AirPods themselves. Don’t let the inside of the case get too dirty, or it can affect the charging capability of the AirPods. Clean the inside of the case with a Q-tip to prevent dirt buildup that can slow down or stop the charging process.

In conclusion, taking care of your AirPods can help to increase their longevity. Avoid getting them wet, wear both AirPods equally, don’t let them die frequently, keep them clean, and don’t forget to take care of the case. By following these tips, you can ensure your AirPods stay in excellent condition for a long time.