Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition DLC Not Showing Up Xbox One: A Guide to Installing All DLC

If you’re a Fallout New Vegas fan playing on an Xbox One, you may have experienced some trouble with DLC not showing up. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the actual way to install all of the DLC for Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition on Xbox One.

Firstly, if you have the collection, you’ll have two disks. Insert disk 2 and load up the game. Give it a minute to load up and you’ll be able to see that it’s actually loading downloadable content. All six DLCs should be there.

Next, go into your “My apps and games” and uninstall everything for New Vegas. Before you insert disk 1, you’ll want to do a hard reset. Press and hold the Xbox logo on your Xbox One for between 8 and 10 seconds. Let the system shut off, wait about 30 seconds, press the Xbox button again and it’ll load back up. Then, put in disk 1 and install the game.

After disk 1 is complete, shut the system off and unplug the main power from the Xbox One for just a second, plug it back in, and load the Xbox One back up. Then, put in disk 2. When that happens, it will come up with an installed disc down here. All you want to do is press that, wait a second, it’ll bring up the “it needs to download” message. Press “OK” on that and it’ll start to download. It will show up in your queue.

Pause the download which will start another download up. Pause that one, and another one will come up. Continue to pause all of them. Once they’re all paused, you need to go to your Gun Runners and do your either your gun runner’s or your courier stash for first resume the download. Wait for the download to complete. When that’s done, close out the “My games and apps” with the start and hit quit.

Next, go into the game, load it up like normal, and it’ll load up the downloadable content. Go down and check, and it should be in there. Then, quit the game, come back out, and go back to “My games and apps”. Go back down to the queue, select the next one, either courier stash or Gun Runners, whichever one you didn’t pick first. Do the same thing over and over again. When that one’s done, go back into the game, load the game back up, check your downloadable content, and it’ll be in there. Quit the game, come back out, and then install the lowest one to the highest one to finish them out one by one. Still, continue to check it.

Once you get it done, it’s all set. You’ll have all six of them on there, and it’ll be done. We hope you found this guide helpful.