How Do I Get OS X 10.9 for My MacBook?

If you own a MacBook from 2014, you may have noticed that the latest macOS update is not compatible with your device. In this case, the maximum version you can use is Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). So, how do you get OS X 10.9? First, it’s important to note that the official App Store … Read more

How to Change Screen Timeout in Windows 11

Are you tired of your computer display turning off too quickly? Do you want to adjust the time or length of no activity before your display turns off? Well, you’re in luck because it’s a pretty straightforward process. In this tutorial, we will show you how to change screen timeout in Windows 11. First, open … Read more

How to Reinstall Mountain Lion on Your Mac

If you’re experiencing issues with your Mac and are looking to reinstall Mountain Lion, the process is fairly straightforward. First, start your computer and hold down the Command and R keys. This will take you to the OS X Utilities menu, where you can restore from a Time Machine backup or repair or erase your … Read more

How to Reformat Windows XP: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re experiencing glitches and errors on your computer running on Windows XP, it might be time to consider restoring it to its original factory settings. Reformatting your computer can help eliminate any software-related issues, giving you a fresh start. In this guide, we’ll walk you through two ways to reformat your Windows XP computer. … Read more

How to Exit S Mode on Your Windows 11 PC

If you have a Windows 11 PC that came with S mode, you might be annoyed by the limitations on what you can install on your computer. However, there is a really easy way to get out of this mode. Keep in mind that if you got your laptop from your computer or college, or … Read more