How to Hide Emails in Gmail: Tips and Tricks

If you want to hide certain emails in Gmail, there is no direct option to do so. However, there are some tricks that you can use to hide your emails. Let’s explore some of these tricks in this post. The first solution is to create a folder for your important emails. Simply go to your … Read more

How Many Email Addresses Should I Have for Better Security?

Many people do not consider email addresses as sensitive information and often use a single address to create multiple accounts across many web applications. However, this is not good email hygiene. Email hygiene is often neglected and it’s essential to have a system or strategy to protect sensitive information. According to a recent podcast episode … Read more

How to Password Protect an Outlook Email

In today’s digital age, privacy is incredibly important, especially when it comes to sensitive information. Email is a common way of communicating, but it’s crucial to ensure that sensitive information is secure. In this post, we will demonstrate how to encrypt emails in the Outlook desktop app, making it easy to protect private data when … Read more

How to Mark Email as Phishing in Outlook

Have you ever received an email that is clearly spam or a phishing attempt? Not sure what to do with it? In Outlook, you can report these messages to Microsoft to help them improve their anti-spam filters and protect your organization from similar messages. When you report a message, you are essentially sending it back … Read more