How to Attach a File in Gmail

Attaching files to emails is a common task for most people, especially when it comes to sending documents, images, or videos. Gmail, being one of the most popular email services, offers two methods of attaching files to emails. In this guide, we will cover both methods: direct attachment and Google Drive attachment. Direct Attachment Method … Read more

How to Attach a File in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook 2016 is a popular email client that allows you to send and receive emails, manage contacts, and schedule appointments. In this guide, we will learn how to add attachments to our emails, which is a common task when sending files or documents to other people. To begin, after filling out the “To,” “CC,” … Read more

How to Send a Photo Album Through Email

Are you looking for a way to easily share photos and videos with a group of people? iCloud has a solution for you! With its shared photo albums feature, you can create an album that can hold up to 5,000 photos and videos, and invite up to 100 people to view and contribute to the … Read more

How to Send Video on Gmail Exceeding 25 MB

Do you often face problems while trying to send large files over email? Gmail has a total attachment limit of 25 MB, which means you cannot send files larger than that. But, what if you have a video, audio, or pictures that exceed 25 MB? How do you send them to your friends? The solution … Read more

How to Attach a File in Outlook 2016

Microsoft Outlook is one of the most used email clients in the world, and knowing how to attach a file to your emails is important. In this tutorial, we will show you how to add attachments to your emails in Outlook 2016. First, you need to fill in the “To,” “CC,” and “BCC” sections, as … Read more