How to do a Strikethrough in Excel

Excel is a powerful tool for organizing data, but sometimes you need to make changes to your data that are not immediately obvious. One such change is applying a strikethrough to text in your Excel worksheet. Unlike other Microsoft Office programs, Excel does not have an easy-to-use strikethrough command that you can access directly from … Read more

How to Get Parents to Say Yes to Anything

As a young person, you may feel like your parents control everything in your life. From how much money you spend to where you go and what you can do, it can sometimes feel like you have no control. However, there are ways to convince your parents to say yes to the things you want. … Read more

How to Turn Off Preview in Outlook: A Quick Guide

Are you tired of seeing message previews in your Outlook inbox? Perhaps you prefer a cleaner and more organized view of your emails. The good news is that you can easily turn off message previews in just a few simple steps. First, open Outlook on your computer screen. Then, go to the “View” and “Review” … Read more