How to Watch TV and Play Xbox One at the Same Time

Are you tired of having to choose between watching TV and playing your favorite Xbox One game? Luckily, with the Xbox One’s multitasking capabilities, you don’t have to! In this tutorial by Travis Boak from In Connected Comm, we’ll show you how to watch TV and play Xbox One simultaneously. The first step is to … Read more

Car AC Broken? How to Stay Cool

Having a broken car AC can be a nightmare, especially during hot and sunny days. If you have a car with no AC or faulty windows, you might feel like you’re baking inside your own vehicle. However, there is a temporary solution that can keep you cool, and that is a heat cooler. Heat coolers … Read more

How to Leave Passive Mode in GTA Online

Passive mode is a great feature in GTA Online as it protects players from most types of attacks. However, players cannot be part of an MC or CEO while trying to enter passive mode, and they also cannot have killed an actual player within the last two minutes. If any of these issues occur, simply … Read more