How to Fix Netgear Router Issues

How Do I Fix My Netgear Wireless Router? Restart your router. Unplug the power supply and wait 30 seconds, then plug it back in. ... Move the router or move closer to it. ... Upgrade your router's firmware. ... Replace the antenna. ... Change your router's IP address. ... Change the Wi-Fi channel. ... Reset your router. ... Switch DNS servers. More items... •

Are you experiencing slow speeds, dropped connections, or overall poor performance on your Wi-Fi router? These issues can be frustrating and can impact your ability to work, stream, or browse online. Luckily, there are a few simple tips you can follow to troubleshoot your Netgear router.

First, check the cords connecting your modem and router. Often, this step is overlooked, but ensuring that each cord is firmly connected can resolve many issues. Additionally, examine the Netgear router LEDs located on the front to ensure that your router has an internet connection from your internet service provider. If you’re unsure which LED represents internet, contact your service provider or reboot your modem.

If you’re experiencing a loss of Wi-Fi connection in certain areas of your home, it may be caused by a lack of range from your router. In this case, consider range extender or powerline alternatives to improve coverage. Alternatively, move your device closer to your router and connect with your network name and password. If you cannot connect wirelessly or have forgotten your network password, use an Ethernet port for a wired connection to your router.

Updating your router’s firmware to the latest version can often solve network issues and ensure optimum functionality. To update the firmware, navigate to in your browser. When prompted, enter the default login of admin for the username and password for the password. From here, you can update your router’s firmware, change your network settings, and much more.

If you are having issues connecting by Wi-Fi due to losing your network name and password, return to the home page and select the wireless menu. Here, you can view or change your network settings. Note that routers with multiple bands have the ability to change network names and passwords individually.

Wi-Fi operates on multiple channels, so if you’re experiencing slow Wi-Fi speeds while multiple devices are connected to the network, changing your wireless channel and mode may improve performance. If a single computer is having issues connecting, make sure your computer and all the drivers are up to date. If you’re still experiencing issues, resetting your Netgear router to factory settings may solve your problem. Please note that performing a factory reset will erase all settings you currently have configured on your router.

In conclusion, troubleshooting your Netgear router doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Follow these simple tips to resolve common issues and improve your overall Wi-Fi performance. If you need additional support, navigate to for more information on troubleshooting your Netgear router.


Why is my Netgear router not working?
Some of the causes include interrupted power supply, outdated firmware, loose cables, and faulty devices to name a few. You can replace any damaged cables, update your router's firmware, or do a factory reset or a power cycle to get your Netgear router back to working properly.
Why is my Netgear router connected but no internet?
The first thing you can do when you notice Netgear is connected without the internet is a simple restart or perform a power cycle. Steps to Restart the Modem and Router: Locate the power button in the router and modem. First, turn off the power button in the router.
Why is my WiFi router not working?
Restarting your modem and router should be the first thing you do when encountering an internet signal issue. Don't skip this step! This is almost always what tech support will ask you to try first, as it often solves the problem. To restart your equipment, unplug the power cable for 60 seconds and plug it back in.