How to Configure Linksys WRT54GS Wireless Router

If you have an old Linksys WRT54GS wireless router that is out of warranty, it may still be in working condition. You just need to follow a few steps to make it work. In this post, we will guide you on how to configure the Linksys WRT54GS wireless router.

Step 1: Check the Internet Connection

If you are not able to access the internet on all devices or computers, make sure that you have internet connectivity through a modem. Connect the main computer directly to the ISP modem and try to access the internet through the modem. If it is not working through the modem, then you must contact your ISP to get the internet fixed through the modem.

Step 2: Check Connections

Once you are sure that the internet is working properly through the modem, check the connection between the modem, router, and computer. Here is an image to describe the Linksys WRT54GS connection:

– Modem is connected to the internet or WAN port.

– Linksys WRT54GS router.

– Computer connected to any one of the local ethernet ports of the router port 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Step 3: Open the Linksys WRT54GS Setup Page

Open an internet browser and type in the address bar. This is the default IP address of the Linksys WRT54GS wireless router. It will ask you for username and password. The default username would be ‘admin’ and the default Linksys WRT54GS password is ‘admin’. If this default username and password are not working, then you will need to reset the router to factory default settings, which will lead to reconfiguring it from scratch. Once you enter the username and password, you will be on the setup page of the router.

Step 4: Make Internet Connection Settings

Linksys WRT54GS supports two types of internet services – cable and DSL. We will need to change the internet connection settings.

Internet connection settings for Cable ISP:

On the Basic Setup page, internet connection settings must be set to automatic configuration (DHCP). Click on the ‘MAC Address Clone’ sub-tab, enable MAC address clone, and click on ‘Clone My PC’s MAC’. Click ‘Save Settings’ at the bottom. Now, power cycle the network by unplugging power to the router and modem. Wait for 10 seconds. First, plug in the power to the modem only. Wait for another 10 seconds. Now, plug in the power to the WRT54GS. Wait for 30 seconds. Now try to access the internet on the main computer.

Internet connection settings for DSL ISP:

On the Basic Setup, change internet connection settings to PPPoE. Type in the username and password given by your internet service provider. Click ‘Save Settings’ at the bottom. Now try to access the internet on the main computer.

Step 5: Wireless Network Settings

Once your main computer is able to access the internet, then you can change the wireless settings. Go to the Wireless tab, change the wireless network name (SSID). This will be the name of your wireless network. Save the settings. Click on the ‘Wireless Security’ sub-tab. Change the security mode to WPA Personal. Enter the security password for your wireless network. This will be the password to connect to the wireless network. Click ‘Save Settings’. Do not share your wireless network password.

Step 6: Connect to the Wireless Network

Once your wireless network is ready, try to connect to the Wi-Fi on the laptop or other Wi-Fi devices. You will see the SSID (your Wi-Fi network name). Enter the network WPA key or password and connect. Once you are able to access the internet on wired and wireless computers, your Linksys WRT54GS wireless router is working properly.

For more troubleshooting steps, please visit

That’s it for now. Thank you for reading!